Meadowbrook Primary School

School Complaints

It is natural that parents may, at times, be concerned about an aspect of their child’s education or welfare at school.

This could include issues concerning the school’s approach to aspects of the curriculum, homework, behavioural problems or any other issue.

The school welcomes enquiries from parents about any matter. Teachers and staff are very happy to explain the school practices, policies, and how they affect the pupils. The vast majority of concerns will be handled by the class teacher, or by a senior leader if this is more helpful. If in doubt, please keep asking until you are completely satisfied, as we are all keen to help!

The usual procedure is to speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or to contact the school office to arrange an appointment to discuss your concern with whoever you wish.

Occasionally, parents may feel they wish to register their concern formally; this, too, is not a problem. The Olympus Academy Trust has defined procedures for handling complaints, and these are set out in the Policy below.

Nicola Bailey


Olympus Complaints Policy