Meadowbrook Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy

At Meadowbrook Primary School we believe all children deserve the very best education, no matter what their background. We continuously monitor the progress of all our pupils to ensure that they are achieving their full potential.

In 2011, the government introduced funding for schools called Pupil Premium, in order to support the progress of vulnerable groups. The funding is paid directly into the school and the amount received is based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed forces.

As a school, we spend this money in a variety of ways to improve pupils’ learning and outcomes, including:

  • targeted support to improve attendance, behaviour or links with families where these are barriers to a pupil’s learning
  • ensuring that support staff (particularly teaching assistants) are highly trained and understand their role in helping pupils to achieve
  • allocated staff to teach intervention groups, ensuring all pupils have the resources and information necessary to meet the expected standard in mathematics and English
  • involving governors in the decision making and evaluation process.

Barriers to learning can include:

  • poor attendance and increased number of broken weeks
  • lack of parental engagement and support for home learning
  • poor communication and language skills
  • low attainment in English and maths
  • lack of funding for school trips and residential trips
  • having access to regular meals and a balanced diet.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2027