PE & Sports Premium
Across the Olympus Academy Trust we strongly believe in the importance of physical activity, through the form of a range of structured physical education and guided play opportunities.
Our PE curriculum encourages all pupils to be physically active, improving their physical literacy and fundamental movement skills. We want to provide a lasting, sustainable and positive affect on PE and Sport within school and our community.
With the rise in childhood obesity and increase in emotional and behavioural mental health disorders, it is essential that we support our pupils to engage in physical activity. Being physically active can nurture positive mental wellbeing, reduce anxiety and stress, increase self – confidence and concentration as well as increase physical wellbeing. We want our pupils to grow into happy, healthy adults maintaining a lifelong love of physical activity.
Across Olympus pupils will be offered 2 hours of PE a week. These lessons will be based upon a fundamental movement curriculum for 1 hour and a variety of seasonal sports for the second hour throughout the academic year.
Key Stage 1
At Key Stage 1 pupils will have access to a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance, coordination, individually and with others during their PE lessons. Through structured play and forest school, children will be creative and imaginative, develop resilience, and build friendships and relationships whilst exploring the world around them.
Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2 pupils will develop a broader range of fundamental movement skills and apply them into a variety of games and sports, competing individually and against others. They will learn how to recognise their own success and how to improve in different physical activities and sports. Pupils will develop resilience, confidence and independence and be encouraged to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.
All of our pupils will have access to lunchtime and afterschool sports clubs to encourage them to increase the amount of exercise they do each day to 60 minutes. The range of clubs will increase participation in sport through virtual, inter and intra competition.
We want our pupils to embrace an active lifestyle by also walking, biking and scooting to school. Being physically active helps to promote physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Therefore we use our Sports and PE Premium Funding to provide:
- Specialised Professional Development for teachers across the Trust.
- Strategic leadership of PE and Sports within schools and across the Trust.
- A co-ordinated approach to inter and intra school competition.
- Lunchtime play-leader programme and training, that enables all children to be active all lunchtime and participate in a virtual competition across the Trust.
- Trust-wide galas, sports events and athletic meets.
- An elite, talent spotting, signposting programme for those young people with particular talent and promise.
For more information on how we have spent our Sports Premium funding and the positive impact of the provision on all the children at Meadowbrook Primary School please have a look at the documents below.
Sports Premium Action Plan 2023 - 2024
Sports Premium Action Plan Review Sports Clubs for Primary Schools
See an A-Z list of all the different sports you can enjoy here