Meadowbrook Primary School

Ladybirds - Year 1

Class Information

Hello Ladybirds!

Welcome to Year 1; the next part of your exciting learning journey at Meadowbrook!

We are so excited to be sharing this year with you and can’t wait to take you on some amazing adventures in our learning. We are going to be covering themes such as, The World Around Me, I Wonder, Machines and Wild Things. These themes will give us many opportunities to develop key skills, imagination and creativity and explore enquiry questions that will lead to a deeper understanding and knowledge about our ever-changing world.

Miss Crooks (works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mrs Harvey (works a Thursday and Friday). We work closely with one another to create a positive and engaging learning environment. We hope your child will look forward to coming into school each day. Please keep an eye out for messages and updates on Seesaw. 

Miss Crooks and Mrs Harvey  

Year 1 Curriculum Overview

Term 2 Newsletter

Term 2 Home Learning

Term 2 Knowledge Organiser - All About Animals

Term 2 Knowledge Organiser - Near and Far