Meadowbrook Primary School


Maths Statement of Intent

Why is Maths important for all students in the Olympus Academy Trust? Why does it matter?

The study of mathematics provides learners with many skills which are transferable across the curriculum and the world around them. Our maths curriculum supports children to gain a deep long term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject which enables them to become agile mathematicians. We aim to encourage learners to gain fluency in number and be able to reason and problem solve using a variety of strategies.

How does studying Maths help young people to achieve?

Maths enables learners to become confident in sharing their mathematical thinking through oral and written work. Our learners are introduced to a wide range of mathematical vocabulary which enables them to articulate their understanding in a concise and logical manner. Throughout our mathematics curriculum, children are encouraged to develop their mathematical thinking leading them to be able to build upon and challenge the ideas of others. Our curriculum aims to equip learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to be successful in the next stage of their learning. We believe that all children are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.


Curriculum Overview for Maths – Year 1 and 2

Curriculum Overview for Maths – Year 3 and 4

Curriculum Overview for Maths – Year 5 and 6

Mathematical Vocabulary Progression

Guide to Fluent in Five